Thursday, September 12, 2019

Solo Gaming Turn 2

This is the situation where we last left off the batrep. Attentive readers will note that the wounded Reiver now has 5 hits remaining, not 4. I mistakenly marked the raider for the hits taken, not the hits remaining. Should have read the rules before starting.

The A.D.I.M. cards for the Feudal troops are aligned along the bottom matching the left to right position of the figures. All of their primary actions allow an attack on their objective. 

The Feudals gained the initiative again, so the 7-card activates first. His nearest target is the Reiver leader. The attack is cancelled when the soldier's rifle jams (I buffed with the  Void card).

The non-engaged raider in the tree-line fires on the Feudal soldier as he struggles to clear the jam. Two hits combined strip away 8 hit points.

The Q-card activates next but goes on "Wait" so that he and the A-card can activate together and double-team the outnumbered raider.

I activate my leader and he runs down the path firing both revolvers at the wounded Feudal (using his "Running Shot" special ability). Two hits strike the soldier and he goes out of action.

The Feudal leader with the 6-card activates and crosses the path to check on the raider he took out last turn. Then he fires at the rifleman in the tree-line that is not being attacked in melee. His snap-shooting attacks miss.

The J-card soldier activates next and continues his attack against the raider with the same lack of results. The nimble raider eludes the stabbing bayonet attacks again.

The raider who has successfully defended twice activates and decides to "beak away" before his agility wears out. A break away declaration means that if he wins, he will forego all attacks and move away instead, thereby avoiding giving the Feudal a free attack against him. The attempt ends abruptly when the Feudal draws and plays the "Void" card, keeping the stand-off going for the present turn.

The A-card activates last and the Q-card removes their "Wait" to team attack. Hard pressed the raider fights valiantly (no, I'm not being biased here) but is wounded down to his last hit point.

The Feudals did not gain as much as I had feared when they gained turn priority again. The raiders in melee are out of their element but both are still hanging on. I have two non-engaged shootists who can concentrate on the Feudal leader next turn and I'm pretty sure that's what I'm going to do.

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