Friday, September 27, 2019

Behind Allied Lines Part 3

The Feudal soldiers had the momentum in the latter half of the second turn, hoping to use their avantage in remaining Push points to sweep the Grun ahead of them.

The final soldier in the tree-line group joined the fight against the outnumbered Grun warrior.
Having two allies already engaged boosted his Fight from 6 to 8 due to the "Pile On" special ability of his crew mates. A draw 9 / buff 3 and push 8 overcame the warrior's draw 9 +5 defense / buff 3 and no push by 28 to 17. Using his three Edges, he struck twice, the first blow with "Abuse" doing 8 damage and the second just for good measure.

Taking advantage of the stunned warrior on the ground ahead of him, a soldier rushed forward stabbing twice into the stricken Grun for 1 damage followed by 3 more. Not quite enough to finish him. The soldier's non-engaged teammate drew fire from the nearest warrior behind the wall but the shots missed as he also rushed forward. Striking twice more he delivered the final hits to finish off the downed warrior.

The second Grun warrior behind the wall added his shooting but his total of 17 (6 +5 shoot / buff 6) could not defeat a defense total of 21 (5 +6 def / buff 3 / push 7) and his attack missed.

The third turn began with the Feudals again gaining Priority. The soldier most exposed to fire from the Grun battle-line moved ahead to block the line-of-fire opposite the Grun leader while firing at that warrior. The soldier's attack total of 16 (draw 10 +6 shoot) matched the Grun leader's total of 16 (draw 9 + 5 def +2 buff). A partial hit winged the warrior losing him two damage points.

The Grun leader returned fire while back-trotting toward the far corner of the house as he could see other soldiers rushing up the road to bring him under fire. His shooting total of 22 (draw 7 + 5 shoot / + buff 4 / + 6 push) beat the soldier's defense of 21 (draw 8 + 6 def / no buff / + 7 push). The soldier's lucky 10 + 7 ballistic protection allowed him to escape with only one damage point loss.

The Grun furthest along the wall activated next but went on "Wait" to observe the action involving his leader.

A second Feudal Soldier moved up and laid down fire on the Grun leader as he backed toward the shelter of the house. He scored one hit that did four more damage as the Grun ducked around the corner. The remaining three soldiers continued up the road with their rifles trained on the spot where the Grun leader had disappeared.

The last remaining warrior activated along with his waiting team mate and the pair rushed across the field keeping the house between them and the advancing soldiers.

On turn four the Grun finally gained Priority so the leader activated and followed after his fleeing command. As he ran, the three soldiers further down the road opened fire. Two scored hits that brought down the leader. The remaining two warriors ran faster and escaped into the woods.

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