Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Solo Gaming Turn 1

Had to move my "studio" indoors due to weather and missed the chance to post while I was doing the new set-up in my basement. Apologies.

A.D.I.M. Play test 1

I used the Ambush scenario set-up for this test starting at the point when the ambush is triggered.

The build totals for the Feudals came to 151 for one Veteran and four Experienced Fighters. The Reivers totaled 138 for one Veteran and four Raiders. This gave the Reivers 3 additional Push Points (1 per 5-point difference) to balance out the build totals. The Feudal Push total is 10 and the Reivers total is 14.

The Priority Check gave the Feudals an 8-card and the Reivers a 7-card; the Feudals activate first.

The Feudals deployed by splitting their Experienced Fighters equally on either side of the trail. The crew leader hides behind a boulder ahead of the Reivers path. When the Reivers were sandwiched between his men, the leader stepped partially out from behind the boulder to order “Surrender, there’s a dozen men surrounding you.” 

The remaining Feudals popped out from concealment while the Reivers brought up their rifles. The Reiver Veteran spun to his left and both of his revolvers were leveled on the nearest Feudal target. The battle began.

Since I was playing the Reivers, I needed to determine the primary actions for the Feudals, drawing one card per crewman. The Feudals objective was the defeat of the Reiver patrol. The Club cards indicated attack actions. The Diamond is defending, and the Heart is interaction in pursuit of the objective so I interpreted these to allow attacks in the present situation.

The Feudals had the initiative for the first turn. The first to activate would be the nine-card, followed by the King (value-7), the leaders five-card (higher ranked), the Jack (value-5) and the three-card last. I would have the advantage of foreknowledge of the Feudal order of activation but off-set by having to reveal my draw cards and buffs before the Feudal selections are made.

The first attack came from the Reiver’s right flank as a Feudal fighter (9-card) stumbled out of the brush and thrust at his Reiver target. The Reiver twisted away from the bayonet strike and the blade slashed his brigandine jacket but failed to pierce the plastic plate underneath.

I activated the Reiver Veteran and he turned left and drew both revolvers to blast away at the Feudal fighter who had appeared from the forest. He hit twice but both were deflected by the Feudal’s buff coat ballistic armor.

The Feudal (K-card) fired on the nearest target at the rear of the Reiver crew but missed.

I activated a rear-guard figure and moved him across the path into the tree line in preparation for setting up a Reiver firing line (so they could employ their “Blast’em” special ability). He then fired across at the Feudal who had just shot at him. He hit once but the tough buff coat saved that figure from injury.

The Feudal veteran (5-card) crossed the path and fired at the front left Reiver. One shot hit (with an Abuse Effect column shift ) that dropped the Reiver into the bushes beside the path, out of action.

The second rear-guard Reiver joined his crew mate across the path at fired at the same target his buddy had just hit. However, his shots missed.

The Feudal soldier (J-card) charged the raider who was engaged with the first Feudal to activate and with an Aid assist got his attack through the Reiver’s brigandine jacket for a 4-point injury.

The injured Reiver fought back but was unable to mount a successful attack against either opponent.

The last Feudal activated and charged the nearest Reiver in the tree-line. The brush acted as an additional defensive entanglement and the raider avoided the bayonet thrusts directed at him.

At the end of Turn 1, things did not look good for the hapless Reivers. Although their attacks were succeeding, the Feudal ballistic armor saves were insanely good. The Feudal fighters choosing to close with the Reivers meant they could gain their melee advantages while negating the Reivers shooting advantages. Holding back the Feudal leader and a fighter on the other side of the raiders gives the Feudals some shoot options while their buddies are stuck in to a melee they must win before they can draw a new action.

I got myself stuck in to a bad situation with my crew. How to get out of this?

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