There are
three classes of actions an active figure may use; Main (Mn), Move (Mv)
and Compatible (Cp). On the figure’s Crew Card their abilities will
often be preceded by these action codes to indicate the type of action
required. You may also see the Free Action code (‒) or the Trigger
Reaction code (‒) Trigger→.
figures may use one each of the three main classes plus an unlimited number of
Free and Reaction classes depending on the attacks and triggers encountered
each turn.
Main Actions (Mn) are actions
that may be used for attacking (Basic, Quick or Focused) or assisting another
figure’s attack (Teamwork or Combined Attacks).
- Basic (Mn) a deliberate effort to overcome the defense and strike
- Focused (Mn and Mv) A combined action receives a [+] Draw card and a bonus Effect shift ▼
- Quick (− or →) a free or triggered strike receives a [−] Draw card
- Teamwork adds a support bonus card [+] to a primary attacker from another attacker in exchange for their Main action. The benefits of teamwork are described below.
When a
figure has an opponent within the reach of a fighting attack, they may use a strike
When a
figure has an opponent within the range of a ranged attack and in Line of
Sight, they may use a shoot option. LoS crossing a figure’s base blocks
targets beyond it unless the shooter is adjacent (base-to-base).
Combat skills represent a figure’s attack
ability with the weapon in hand. This is usually a skill card draw for a [+], [+ +] or [+
+ +] at
specialist, expert or master rank or a dash symbol ‒ for basic
familiarity. Add any Special Ability or Power Effects modifiers on the figure’s
Crew Card to these values.
Weapon or Effect Profile as it appears on a Crew Card (//
are used as dividers only)
- ♣ Tech Scale (1 – 10) or Source (♣, ♦, ♠, ♥)
- Weapon Type or Power Effect’s Title
- Fighter’s Skill Rank and related card draw; ‒, [+], [+ +], [+ + +]
- Reach »0”, »½”, »1” or »2” <or> Range »4” or more
- Force number (1+) and Severity Code: Very Low (VL), Low (L), Medium (M), High (H) or Very High (VH); an All or Nothing (AoN) effect has no column code versus (↔) an Attribute for a Resistance Check (Acts, Body, Mind or Soul) or Armor for a Protection Check (dp physical or de energy).
- Special Abilities: Any special abilities linked to the weapon
Special Abilities will have a title and their
application requirements next to the figure’s related Combat Trait on the front
of the Crew Card.
Main Action rules
attack’s reach represents the threat zone of the weapon. Reach 0 attacks
adjacent zones. Reach ½” to 2” extends the additional inches within the
fighter’s 180° frontal zone. This represents the figure’s control zone for
melee; figures that pass through without engaging them in combat may be subject
to a free quick strike (a Wild Strike). The moving opponent may Defend but not
Counterattack versus a Wild Strike.
When a
figure is moved into fight contact, they must stop moving when they enter the
frontal zone of an opponent’s reach or when they have their opponent within
their reach. An opponent beyond this distance cannot be attacked but if you’re
inside the opposing reach you may be attacked. An inside Reach advantage occurs
when an attacker is two Reach lengths (0”, ½”, 1”, 2”) below the longer
A figure
that engages an opponent at a reach disadvantage may use the “Move ≤ 2” Edge as
a swap for their primary success (assuming they win the Fight Challenge). They
may then use their first Edge for their primary strike afterwards.
A Move ≤
2” Edge may also be used to open reach distance and to move to the left or
right of an opponent’s position, but not around behind them since they may use
a free action to keep at least one opponent in front of them.
figures do not
have to stop at an opponent’s reach distance but may continue moving until they
are at their own strike reach or they may enter an opponent’s location triggering a Slam Challenge.
from a Fight
unrestrained figure may move away from an opponent when active. Their opponent
may react with a Quick attack (‒) unless
they are also engaged with a another figure. The disengaging figure may use
either their Def or Manv modifier. A “Move ≤ 2” Edge disengage does not trigger a
Quick attack.
The [‒] modifier for beyond mid-range
applies to shooting and throwing attacks beyond a 4” range; ranges less than or
equal to 4” are unaffected. This modifier does not apply to the range of Power Effects at all. Casters control their targeting through concentration so
they are not subject to the physical factors that can influence missile
The Quick
attack [‒]
modifier also applies to a shooter in or on a moving vehicle, mount or similar
platform. All weapons may Quick shoot out to a maximum 12” range (or their
effective range if less).
Area of
Effect Attacks
An “area
of effect” (AoE) attack simultaneously affects all figures within that area.
These attacks are directed at a point of ground. The center of the effect
(ground zero) must be within the attacker’s range.
- Diameter: An effect that extends across its’ limit in inches in a 360° sphere. On a Crew Card the notation appears as burst symbol plus inches; ☼”.
- Cone: The caster is at ground zero with two markers placed the width of the cone between them, forming a triangle. On a Crew Card the notation appears as a triangle length + width; »” vw”.
- Pulse: The caster is ground zero with a 360° radius of effect around their self out to range-inches. A semi-circular pulse is the same but with a 180° arc. On a Crew Card the notations appear as a 360° circle »” ⸨☼⸩ or a 180° semi-circle »” ☼⸩⸩
attacker Checks first against a point of ground target at Target Number 11 (an “All or Nothing”
attempt); apply any Cast or Shoot modifiers, as appropriate.
A power
effect uses Cast skill and your Cast modifier; a grenade toss uses your Throw
skill and your Shoot modifier. An aerodynamic missile uses your Shoot
ability but a non-aerodynamic one uses your athletic Maneuver ability (i.e.
Lift and Toss).
If the
attack fails, the defender may shift
the target point by 1” for each Margin of Failure result up to a maximum of one-half the total attack range. A cone
may be shifted by 1” left or right at its’ farthest end by ≤ ½ MoF. A pulse
does not scatter.
figures inside the AoE that had the attacker in their Line of Sight (LoS) may
take a Maneuver Check to dive for cover; their Target Number is 10 + Attack
Margin of Success (MoS). If the attack missed the target point, the MoS =
If the
Maneuver Check succeeds, a figure may use their first success for a ≤ 2” Move,
adding +1” per Edge scored or using one Edge to duck behind hard cover for a [+] Protection modifier. Dropping
prone is a free action but doesn’t help without cover.
Any figure
remaining in a clear AoE after the Maneuver Check is hit. Proceed to the
Protection or Resistance Check procedure for each affected figure.
A team
working a Challenge together gains two benefits. During Step 1, support figures
give up their Main action to grant a [+] Draw card to the designated primary attacker on the
team, up to a maximum [+
+ +]. In return
the entire team may use the alternating attack Edge. The primary attack hits
first, then any extra attacks may be alternated among the team members at a
cost (¢E) of one Edge each.
attack or defense is a variation on Teamwork that allows figures to choose the
best Force values and extensions (i.e. bonus cards and effect shifts) in a
group effort to attack an opponent or protect the group’s members. This is not
stacking but the selection of the best Force value, card effect, column
and row shifts for the attack, protection or resistance values within the group
acting together.
Move Actions (Mv) are actions
that may be used to re-position a figure at Move, Run, Rush or Crawl speeds, use
quick ½Move actions and Interactions with other figures or objects on the
field. Using higher move rates means swapping out all or portions of your Main action
specified otherwise on a figure’s Crew Card the basic Move ground speed
is 6”.
- Run: This increases the Move rate by one-half (i.e. 9”) but decreases your Main attack by a [−] draw card. You may use Teamwork if the opponent is in range or reach.
- Rush: This increases the Move rate by an additional full Move (i.e. 12”) but you lose your Main attack and may not use Teamwork.
- Crawl: You may move prone in all terrain types up to 2”; you may not Run or Rush.
Interaction: This
broad class of activity includes all actions involving another figure, an item
or a field location. The cost of the interaction varies and is specified for
each one where that action is described.
½Move: These are
actions that can be combined with other Half-Move actions; Stand up from a
prone posture, Lock or Unlock a door, window, hatch or safe, Mount or Dismount from
a mount or other transport. The other Half-Move can be a standard Move (6”),
Run (4½”) or Rush (6”).
Transport: When using transport, you swap your
own Move for that of the transport; they do not stack together. Passengers may
Move ≤ 4” (Rough terrain) while being transported but may not Run or Rush inside
or on a moving vehicle. . To mount or dismount from transport takes ½Move.
Compatible Actions
(Cp) are actions
that may be used in conjunction with another action that is not a Compatible Action (i.e. a Main or
Move action). These include a detection attempt, issue a command, similar short
actions that will not interfere with the Move or Main action being used
Free Actions (−) are also
compatible but do not require you to use your one available Compatible action.
These include dropping an item or falling prone (let gravity take over), or
switching available effects by simply declaring an available one (this includes
switching carried gear or weapons).
Reaction includes a quick action triggered
by an occurrence, such as an attack. The Defense reaction is the most common
but this could also include a Trigger Reaction due to some other event.
Wait: An activation that is used later
in a turn sequence as a timing tactic or to attempt to interrupt an opponent’s
Pass occurs when a figure takes no
actions during a turn but may start the next turn on “Wait” and gains an
Initiative draw discard and one re-draw.
or Maneuver
Whenever a
figure is attacked by a Cast, Fight or Shoot action they may use a free (−)
Defense or Maneuver reaction. If they are Inactive, use the Check
Procedure (page 12)
and they may be hit by any 10 or better result but may not Defend or
Challenge procedure is used to resolve defense or maneuver. A defender’s
Challenge succeeds if it equals or exceeds the attacker’s Challenge total.
Special Abilities for Defense or Maeuver will have a
title and their application requirements next to the figure’s Def or Manv
Combat Trait on the front of the Crew Card.
is not without risk. If a defender’s score equals or exceeds the attacker’s
score and basic Defense Combat Trait, the defender may counterattack. To
be used in a counterattack, a Fight attack must have reach and a ready weapon
while a Shoot attack must have a target in Quick attack range and a ready
loaded weapon.
If the
conditions above are met, then the initial attacker has been hit. Any
additional Edges accumulate after taking the initial attacker’s Defense score
as the starting point.
Example: A defender with a score of 23
beats an attacker with a score of 14 and a Def 6.
counterattack hits the attacker. The 9-point Margin of Success reduced by a Def
6 leaves the defender with 3 remaining points that are good for one Edge of
their choice.
Movement and Terrain
active figure may move up to its Move rate by any method available to it. Move
rates may be measured across the field in inches, hexes or spaces. When
measuring always begin and end the measure at the same point on a figure’s base
to avoid adding the base width to the total move.
may change direction freely while moving and may end their move facing in any
direction. Figures have two positional facings; a 180° front facing reaction
zone and a 180° rear-facing “blind side”. Facing affects detection checks and
A figure
may cross over the base of allied figures while moving but may not cross the
base of opposing figures. Whenever a figure moves within an opposing figure’s
fighting Reach without engaging that figure, they are subject to a Wild Strike.
conditions can reduce a figure’s Move rate and detection zone. Ground terrain
is classified as Clear, Rough, Difficult or Impassable. For line of sight (LoS)
it is Open or Blocked to detection attempts.
Clear Terrain causes no loss of movement and is
Open for Line of Sight.
Rough terrain is terrain than can trip a figure,
forcing them to slow down. A figure loses one-third
of their Move rate when moving within, but not when
exiting, this terrain.
of Rough Terrain include a furnished room, a moderate incline or stairs, an
orchard, a forest of spaced vegetation or shallow water.
Difficult terrain is potentially hazardous to a
moving figure, slowing them down by two-thirds
of their Move rate when moving within, but not when exiting, this terrain.
of Difficult Terrain include a swamp, thick mud, treacherous ice, dense forest
or jungle, a steep incline or ladder, or a slippery stream crossing.
Rough or
Difficult terrain may be used as concealment or cover if players agree to this
or a scenario describes those effects; otherwise rough or difficult terrain is
Open to detection.
Impassable: An obstacle that cannot be crossed by ground movement.
of Impassible Terrain: a cliff, chasm, lava or waterfall.
reducing distance due to terrain, take the modifier once for the total Move
rate but not for every inch, hex or square. If both terrain modifiers apply,
take the worse one only. When dealing with fractional remainders; ⅓ inch rounds
down and ⅔ inch rounds up. If you start in reduced move terrain but immediately
exit it, the penalty is ignored.
figures may use a Move surge when moving along a straight path. On their Crew
Card these boosted Move rates appear as a succession of multiples of their
basic Move rate; starting at x1½ Move, then x2 Move, x3 Move, etc.
If a
figure using their surge Move rate has to deviate from their straight line by
more than ½ their figure’s base width (i.e. ½”) to veer around an obstacle or
turn 45° to 90° off-course, they must decelerate by one Move multiple each
occurrence; so that two separate deviations from the straight path equals a two
multiple loss to their Move.
A figure with four Meta-Speed ranks has a Move of 9 -12 -18 -24” along a
straight path; one deviation will drop their maximum Move to 18” and two
deviations will drop it to 12”.
Once the
figure’s path has been used to determine their maximum Move rate, the move
action itself is handled normally. Entering and crossing rough or difficult
ground reduces the figure’s Move by ⅓ or ⅔ of their distance for each Move
multiple that is taken in the reduced movement terrain.
Obstacles provide vertical concealment and cover. Short obstacles (Size 2
or about one-half the figure’s
height) require a ½Move to cross. Tall obstacles (Size 3 or 4) require a full
Move to cross.
Soft obstacles, such as bushes or smoke, are treated as Rough
terrain for movement through them.
Dense obstacles, such as hedgerows or
jungle, is Difficult terrain for movement through them.
obstacles allow attacks to pass through them. These obstacles provide
Concealment worth [+] for Defense.
obstacles are defined as barriers that may stop an attack from passing through;
they provide Concealment [+] for Defense and Hard Cover [+] for
Protection Checks.
may hide behind obstacles, requiring a detection Challenge success before they can
be attacked (page 21). If the figure is fully covered and not
observing out from Hard Cover the cover may be declared as detection Blocking
An attack
Line of Sight (LoS) must cross into or through an obstacle for it to be
considered as concealment or cover. If the attacker is adjacent to the obstacle
these benefits are cancelled if that attacker may observe over or around it.
A figure
may also use climbing, jumping and swimming to move over appropriate terrain.
The basic rate is ⅓ Move distance. The action cost is a full Move for the climb
and swim options and ½ Move for the jump action.
When completed these rules will become a document available in the Rules Download Link at the top of this page. Next I'll post the second half of this Quick Start rules system.
When completed these rules will become a document available in the Rules Download Link at the top of this page. Next I'll post the second half of this Quick Start rules system.
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