For the gamer who has everything except an opponent. Disclaimer: these rules have not been play-tested much so they may not work in all encounters.
non-player crew should have a separate action priority deck with the jokers
removed because the jokers lack specific suits.
In the
Opening Phase draw a card for each figure’s primary action for the turn.
Actions and suits are arraigned in alpha order for easier recollection (call it the A.D.I.M. system)
Attack if
Clubs // Defend if Diamonds // Interact if Hearts // Move if Spades
The value
on the cards determines the order that figures will activate. Figures
with the Defend primary action may be placed on “Wait” to cover an ally or the
objective if they have Line of Sight and range to that ally or objective.
When a
figure activates, check initiative normally and declare the highest value drawn.
with primary fight abilities will choose Fight while primary shooters will
Shoot. This is based on the figure’s best combat skill. If their skills are
equally balanced, an even numbered primary action card will indicate a Fight action
and an odd-numbered card indicates a Shoot action.
Fight if
engaged or able to Move, Run or Rush into melee with the nearest opponent.
Shoot if they have Line of Sight and range to the nearest opponent. Lacking range or Line of Sight,
a figure will Move or Run and then Shoot if able. Otherwise a figure will Move,
Run or Rush to a shooting position for the next turn.
A figure
engaged in a fight remains in the fight until they win and draw a new action
priority card.
A figure
will act to defend an ally or objective by attacking an immediate threat or
taking a “Wait” to cover against an attack for an ally or objective. If unable to do either
action, a figure will Move, Run or Rush to gain a position to attack or to
better defend in the next turn.
An Attack primary action card may be treated as a Defend action
if it allows the figure to remain in an interaction position with an objective.
actions allow a figure to interact with an objective in a manner that advances or
completes a mission. A figure may treat a Defend or Move action as if it were
an Interact primary action if they are in position and it is possible for an immediate interaction to advance
or complete a mission.
If a
figure has a Fear or Panic effect on them that movement takes priority. Other
moves will take a figure closer to an objective by a route that offers the best
cover or concealment. If a figure has a drawn a “1+” or face card, they
may move by a more direct route regardless of exposure to attacks.
non-player opponent always draws after the player has taken their draw and has
a selected card face-up (i.e. active).
They always select the highest value
card unless a lower value card gains them an Attack Force advantage without
sacrificing the hit. The emphasis is on getting a successful attack but they
will take a small point reduction for a Force bonus card if they still get the hit.
A figure
will buff if they are losing after seeing the player’s buff card. Like the Draw Step, the player buffs and reveals first, regardless of whether they are losing or not.
A figure’s
priority in Buff card play is to increase their draw card by either reinforcing
or replacing it with their best available Buff card. Secondary priority is
reducing the player’s Margin of Success by eliminating their Edges gained.
other available plays will be used if it increases a figure’s advantages; point
values, Force values and then Edges.
Save the
Push points for non-player Protection or Resistance Checks of their highest
ranked figures.
I will post the results of my own play-test of this solo system starting tomorrow as the Reivers walk into a Feudal ambush using that scenario from the Frac'd Earth rule book.
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