A Check occurs when a figure attempts to score higher than a fixed Target Number.
In this example a Reiver is moving into position behind a hedge when detected by a Feudal sentry. The Feudal is the attacker and begins shooting at the defending Reiver. Both have their respective card stats circled below.
Checking for Step One modifiers on the Challenge Draw table, the shooting Feudal declares no modifiers under the Shoot column while the Reiver declares Concealment (for the hedge) under the Def-Manv column.
The Feudal has one default card draw plus one bonus card for the skill [+] with the rifle for a two card draw. The Reiver has the one default card plus the concealment bonus for a two card draw. Both draw and select from the cards available; the Feudal chooses the nine and the Reiver the five card. Their respective totals are 9 + Shoot 5 (14 total) and 5 + Def 5 (10 total). The Reiver is losing.
The five cards laying flat on the left are the Feudal's Buff Hand and the five right-hand cards are the Reiver's Buff Hand. The losing figure gets the first play during the Buff Step. Replacing the 5 with the Reiver's highest 7 card does not change his situation by more than 2 points (a lesser hit but still a hit). Reinforcing the 5 with the 4 card brings his total to 14 (a partial hit with a left column Effects shift in the Reiver's favor; see the Effects Table below). Since the Feudal could buff with a 1 or better and still beat the Reiver's totals, he chooses to pass. The Feudal passes as well.
During the Push Step, the Reiver (still losing) goes first and decides to pass (saving that Push point for his Protection Check). The Feudal seems to be considering a Push to increase the Effect value of his attack. If the Feudal does Push and add his face-down top draw card, the Reiver would be able to re-consider his pass play and Push as well. In that case, a 4-point advantage could go either way. The Feudal decides to pass.
The challenge ends with a 4-point Margin of Success for the shooter. The Reiver is hit. Every 3 points in a Margin of Success allows the victor to choose one Edge advantage on the Edge Table below.
The Feudal chooses "Abuse" from the Shoot column; that gives his attack one Effect shift to the right. Since the Feudal only gained one Edge, this Step is finished.
The Reiver has been hit once with an Abuse Edge that changes the Feudal's weapon damage profile from b[-]6pM to b[-]6pH (translation: ballistic piercing [-] 6 physical Force High severity). The Reiver's protection profile is [+] 4p◄~4e (translation: overall [+] protection with 4 physical plus one column shift left or 4 energy and no additional modifiers). The Reiver's Target Number is base 10 +6 (the Force of the hit) for a total of 16.
The piercing [-] and protection [+] cancel each other, leaving the Reiver with the default one card draw. Since the attack is physical, the column shift moves the Severity from column H to column M on the table below.
The Reiver draws an 8 adds his 4 protection for a total of 12. Now he decides to spend one Push point and adds his top Draw Deck card to this total. It's a 3, bringing the final total to 15. His Margin of Failure is one point. Going down the Effects Table's Moderate column to the -1 to 3 row produces a Light Level of effect. Check the Damage or Condition Effects below for either lost hits or impaired condition. In this case, 1 lost hit point (the Push saved the Reiver from 2 additional lost hits).
These tables make up the entire resolution system for Frac'd Earth and is used to handle all types of Challenges, Checks and Effects regardless of the setting or type of attack, defense, protection or resistance encountered in the multiverse.
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