The first turn after being detected began with the forward Grun warrior shooting at the Runner look-out. The Runner drew a 5 + 6 def versus the Grun's draw 6 +5 shoot (on a tie, the defender is assumed to be losing the challenge). The Runner replaced his 5 with a 10 buff bringing his defense up to 16. The Grun buffed with his 6 bringing his total up to 17. Neither figure pushed so the Runner was hit.
The rifle's 8M was reduced to 8L by the Runner's leather and basketwork armor and the piercing effect was cancelled as well. The Runner's draw 6 + 3 armor was enhanced by a 4 push versus 10 + 8L. The 5 point Margin of Failure in column Low equaled 2 damage. The Runner's Push total is reduced to 5 tokens.
The injured figure activated next and ran to hard cover to his right but throughout the move the Grun target was just beyond bow-shot, so the Runner couldn't use his "Running Shot" ability.
The second Grun activated and ran behind his crew mate, slapping his ear in passing, "We said no shoot!" His run ended in a leap that carried him behind hard cover.
The last two activation's were tribal figures. Both moved out of the ravine into hard cover facing the direction the shooting had come from.
During the Closing Phase, the tribal crew discarded the 8-card from their Buff Hand and added a 2 and a 3-card. The Grun kept their remaining Buff cards and added a 10-card.
Turn two Started with the first two Runners using their "Running Shot" abilities on the nearest Grun while they moved into new positions. The Grun warriors shot back.
The first attack had a draw 10 + shoot 6 versus a draw 7 + def 5 + buff 7. The Runner had no usable buff cards so the shot missed. The Grun targeted that Runner and he drew a "Void" card ending that exchange.
A second running shot had a draw 7 + shoot 6 and a buff 7 versus a draw 8 + def 5 and then a "Void" buff. Upon release the arrow lost a fletching vane and went wildly off course.
That attack drew Grun fire as well; a draw 8 + shoot 5 but no buff versus a 1+9 link and a def 6. The shooting missed.
The final Runner activation was used to move behind the hill to set up a flank run into the forested area on the right. Shooting exchanges had been ineffective so maybe it was time to engage axe to choppa.
During the Closing Phase, the tribal crew discarded the 2-card from
their Buff Hand and added a 9 and a 10-card. The Grun kept their
remaining Buff cards and added a 1+ and a 7-card.
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