Friday, October 4, 2019

Grun on the Run Finale

The Grun gained the initiative again and lead off with the warrior in melee. He attacked with a draw of 1+ 10 + fight 6 and a push 7 (24) versus the Runner's 1+ 8 + def 6 and buff 3 (18). The Grun attack succeeded with 2 Edges (Abuse and Cleave) and a +2 Force bonus (17L) against a armor check of draw 6 + 4; resulting in 2 damage to the archer that also reduced his hits total into penalty card range.

The second Runner struck but with a draw 7 + fight 5 and no buff or push his score was beaten soundly by the Grun's 22 score with both a buff and a push. The resulting counter-attack took the Runner down by 2 more hits from 9.

The second warrior rushed forward and leapt into the attack, catching the second Runner from behind and beating his defense score of 14 with an attack of 21. He choose Abuse and Cleave for his Edges inflicting 4 hits on the hapless Runner.

The Runner originally engaged struck last but missed by a single point. This turn went very badly for the tribal fighters since they needed to take out one warrior to have a chance.

Turn six Priority went to the Runners. With a fresh Buff Hand it looked like they were in a better position to do some damage.  The first Runner's attack scored 2 damage on the most seriously injured warrior in an attempt to take him out.

The first Grun to attack finished off his opponent with a single Cleaving strike. The two bleeding and weakened fighters continued their battle but the Runner could not score a damaging hit on the other. The Grun's return strike sliced another damage point off of the archer however.

The final turn saw the defiant Runner cut down by the combined assault of the two warriors.

The victorious Grun fighters claimed their prize dinner before continuing their escape through the forest.

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